fast for the world: the common rule

we fast from sundown sunday through all of monday until sunrise tuesday, every week.

we do not attend to religion, motivation, experience, circumstance, hopes, dreams, feelings, thoughts, ideas, words, relationships, diets, special pleadings, etc.

we avoid discussing fftw with others, or fasting in general, especially while fasting, for action makes, speech unmakes.

fast for the world: the common goal

it is likely that critical answers to our current societal problems cannot be evoked by new informaton (speech).

answers might, however, be convoked through disciplined habit (action).

fasting together, we hope our common discipline manifests an egregore that might bring answers into view for those who seek them.

fast for the world: the greater faq

the answers to almost all of your questions are some combination of the following:

fast for the world: the lesser faq

q. who are you exactly?

a. we are anybodies and nobodies, and do not matter. that more people fast in common is what matters.

q. is this a christian thing, or a buddhist thing, or a jewish thing, or a pagan thing or a muslim thing, or a…?

a. no. be who you are, just put the fork down for a spell and shut up about it, while others do the same. this isn’t hard.

q. is this a health thing, or a prayer thing, or a spiritual thing, or a psychological thing, or a charity thing, or a…?

a. no. do it for whatever reasons motivate you, do it even in spite of yourself, just stop talking about it. action makes, speech unmakes.

q. is this a political thing, a social justice thing, a marxist thing, a weird cult thing, an education thing, or a…?

a. no. just push away from the table for a while and shut up about it, while others do the same. this really isn’t hard.

q. ackshually, fasting is unhealthy because reasons, look how smart i am with muh credentials and muh science and muh hyperlinks and muh peer review, etc.

a. see the common faq.

q. i am woman, sodomite, black, wicca, they/them, addicted to drugs, fat, jewish, alcoholic, minority, adhd, in prison, in debt, divorced, have some special condition, would but can’t because reasons, etc.

a. see the common faq.

q. can we get together in real life, in the real world?

a. no. be family and friend to your family and friends. just stop shoveling groceries down your throat for a bit and shut up about it. this really, really, isn’t hard.

q. why should i care about the world enough to fast for it?

a. good question. disciplined action in common might bring you and us closer to an answer in a way that informed discussion will not. good luck.

q. everything sucks, you suck, you won’t achieve anything, i have daddy issues, my mom's boyfriend is mean to me, be demoralized! fml, etc.

a. see the common faq. also, stop masturbating to internet porn, or stop whoring online.

q. i am an influencer and i want to expand my grift by pretending i know all about fasting and egregores and care deeply about latest thing™. can we talk?

a. no. see the common faq.

q. i want to donate money to your cause, i want to help you monetize the fftw brand, i want to pay you to change this one little thing about fftw, etc.

a. fftw is not a cause, nor a brand, nor an indulgance for sale, there is nothing here to buy.

q. what if somebody like offers me food while i’m like fasting? like i’m at a party because i’m like popular and I just have to eat like out of respect because i’m like a good person, etc.

a. try “no thanks, I’m not hungry” or “no thank you, i’m full”.

q. can i drink water, can i drink coffee or tea or broth, can i take a supplement, etc.

a. we fast on water only, but all fasts for all reasons are welcome.

q. does fftw have a that social media over there™ account that i can follow for the latest news tips and tricks where i can pretend i belong to something deep by pressing shallow reaction buttons as i engage in hopeless argumentation with perfect strangers npcs and bots in fake commment threads seeking validation to fill my empty soul?

a. no. sounds like a fast would do you good.

q. your nazi! racist! homophobic! antisemitic! transphobic! islamophobic! white supremacist! communist! hater! etc.

a. you’re.

q. i don’t understand the common rule or the common goal, what's an egregore?

a. you don't need to understand anything. just fast with us in common to the best of your ability and don't talk about it.